Sisters in STEM – Please Stay!

Listen to the podcast here: It’s no secret that men have long dominated the STEM field, and some of the field’s leading female pioneers were robbed of the recognition they deserved. Take Rosalind Franklin, an excellent wet-lab chemist. She took the first clear X-ray fiber diffraction photo of DNA, which James Watson and Francis […]

Midwifery: The Key to Woman-Centered Care

As hospitals have become busier in recent years, physician-led labor has replaced midwife-led labor. Today, midwives are only present at 12% of US births (OSHU 2020). With the prioritization of safe medical practices, present-day society has traded woman-centered approaches to childbirth, like midwifery, for more sterile medical approaches (Sandall et al. 2010).  The busy hospital […]