Alien Analog: The Return of Luddites 

A growing number of young adults skeptical of the effects of the rapid proliferation of digital technology are beginning to turn towards analog tools, once seen as obsolete, as an alternative.  Generation Z, those born between 1996 and 2010, is often portrayed as unequivocal embracers of technology and the digital world. In many respects, this […]

Why Can’t College Students Sleep?

When others ask “How are you?” a common response at Hamilton College is: “I am so tired”. I have heard friends complain that they were awake until almost 5am completing assignments, even though adequate sleep aids mental health and retaining new information (Gillen O’Neel et al., 2012). Life at college is jam-packed, and many students […]

The Pharmaceuticalization of Mental Illness Treatment

The amount of medication that Americans take to combat mental illness is astounding. In recent decades, the pharmaceutical and medical industries have convinced a large number of people that drugs are a cure-all for mental illnesses. This increased reliance on these drugs is part of rising pharmaceuticalization in the United States. Pharmaceuticalization has been defined as […]

Living in The Age of Anxiety

By: Alexa Bosco By using magazine cutouts in a collage technique I have made a what is known as a “Zine”: short for magazine, a zine is a homemade work that brings to light a social issue. In this project I aimed to explore the growing mental health crisis and drastic increase in anxiety throughout […]