The Color of COVID-19

In June of 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and in light of  an alarming rate of infection among Black people in the US, at an Ohio Senate Health and Human Services committee hearing, state Senator and emergency room Doctor Stephen Huffman inquired, in a problematic manner, why the rate of COVID was […]

Alien Analog: The Return of Luddites 

A growing number of young adults skeptical of the effects of the rapid proliferation of digital technology are beginning to turn towards analog tools, once seen as obsolete, as an alternative.  Generation Z, those born between 1996 and 2010, is often portrayed as unequivocal embracers of technology and the digital world. In many respects, this […]

Sisters in STEM – Please Stay!

Listen to the podcast here: It’s no secret that men have long dominated the STEM field, and some of the field’s leading female pioneers were robbed of the recognition they deserved. Take Rosalind Franklin, an excellent wet-lab chemist. She took the first clear X-ray fiber diffraction photo of DNA, which James Watson and Francis […]

Thoughts on Cancel Culture: Can it Do Good?

“Cancel culture” is the public shunning of someone when they’ve said or done something people view as problematic (Wong 2022). So, how did it come about? People try to separate the “good” and the “bad”. They do this by punishing those who act in said “bad” ways, in order to reduce the chance of those […]

Asian Representation in Kids’ TV

The average child in the U.S. watches 4.5 hours a day (CDC 2018)! With so much time spent watching television, how characters are portrayed shapes children’s behaviors and ideas (Dugan 2010, p. 998). From the age of 3, children are able to learn from video as well as live presentations (Moriguchi 2014, p. 3).  Yet […]