Midwifery: The Key to Woman-Centered Care

As hospitals have become busier in recent years, physician-led labor has replaced midwife-led labor. Today, midwives are only present at 12% of US births (OSHU 2020). With the prioritization of safe medical practices, present-day society has traded woman-centered approaches to childbirth, like midwifery, for more sterile medical approaches (Sandall et al. 2010).  The busy hospital […]

OCD, a coping mechanism in the face of uncertainty

Until recently, OCD was commonly recognized as a rare mental illness, and medical professionals defined it as such (Summerfeldt 2004). OCD is short for obsessive-compulsive disorder, a condition in which people experience recurring, intrusive, and uncontrolled thoughts (NIH). However, recent studies instead suggest that OCD results from the inability to cope with uncertainty, as seen […]

Tearing Down Famous Women

Successful women are particularly at risk of experiencing celebrity takedowns. When Travis Kelce has attended Taylor Swift’s concerts, people praise him for being society’s ‘perfect boyfriend’. By contrast, when Swift has attended Kelce’s games, some football fans have become angry, booed her when the camera pans to her, and suggested “She’s ruining football” online (Cherian […]

Skincare and Ageism: A Match Made in Heaven

It has recently come to my attention in turning 20 that I should invest in looking 20. Evidence of my aging is emerging in wrinkles and freckles. A dermatologist has already recommended me a retinol and my 23-year-old cousin is lamenting preventative Botox. In a society obsessed with youth and beauty, how are women allowed […]