Professors of colors’ experiences in predominantly white institutions (PWIs)

Predominantly white colleges and universities tend to overrepresent people of color (POC) on their official websites in their efforts to portray a welcoming environment for POC on campus. The websites show professors of color excitedly giving speeches to the campus community, talking happily with other colleagues, or working collaboratively with students in labs. Universities’ official […]

Anti-Black and Patriarchal Realities of School Discipline

Black children are disproportionately subject to school discipline in the United States (Crenshaw 2015; Entwisle 2007; Farkas 1990; Onyeka-Crawford 2017; Owens 2016; Skiba 2014). Although the disproportionate discipline of Black boys has generated much scholarship (Losen 2010; Raffaele Mendez 2003; Owens 2016), less attention has been paid to the disproportionate discipline of Black girls (Crenshaw […]