TV Doesn’t Have Space For Fatness

Television distorts, mocks and marginalizes fat people. Fat characters are reduced to caricatures whose stories and identities aren’t developed and don’t matter. TV audiences look down on fat characters because they are made fun of on the shows they are shown in (Himes 2007:713). Not only is the representation of fat people overwhelmingly negative, but […]

You Pierced What?

When I asked to get my nose pierced for my 17th birthday, I shouldn’t have been surprised when my mom said no. My dad took me instead. My mom wasn’t terribly opposed but went on to explain that I shouldn’t get any more obvious piercings if I want to look employable. Now, with 13 piercings and […]

You Listen to Music? #MeToo

Art is an often overlooked medium for social activism. Historically, women have used music to raise awareness of sexual violence. The seemingly personal troubles of sexual assault, expressed in song, expose and publicize the societal issue of sexual brutality. Attempts to address this threat eventually led to the creation of the #MeToo Movement. Tarana Burke, […]

“What Happens to a Dream Deferred?”

The opening line of Langston Hughes’ poem Harlem asks, “What happens to a Dream Deferred?” The poem speaks about the pain of not realizing one’s dreams amid the racial inequalities Black Americans faced in the 1960s. Likewise, people impacted by the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAMers) currently face the pain of […]