The Cost of Comparison: Trenbolone’s Takeover

When asked his biggest fear, popular social media influencer Jon Brannon, also known as Jon Skywalker, responded “dying skinny.”  Brannon and many other fitness influencers encourage a culture of toxic masculinity through steroid usage. In his Tik Tok bio he even describes himself as a “TREN-SETTER”, or a trendsetter in the fitness industry, as well […]

Skincare and Ageism: A Match Made in Heaven

It has recently come to my attention in turning 20 that I should invest in looking 20. Evidence of my aging is emerging in wrinkles and freckles. A dermatologist has already recommended me a retinol and my 23-year-old cousin is lamenting preventative Botox. In a society obsessed with youth and beauty, how are women allowed […]

The Unbalanced Nature of Education

The Problem with Education Education is unbalanced: its results are powerfully shaped by the various advantages conferred by social class. The gap between high income and low income children in terms of SAT scores is fifty percent larger in the 21st century than it was in the 1960s (Duncan and Murnane 2014:3). The fact that […]