Unity in Distance

We as humans are multidimensional. In this post I am going to focus on the athletic part of my identity. As a member of the baseball team, much like a theater group or an orchestra, there is a powerful individual and group performance component. It requires peak performance on both levels. The group doesn’t exist […]

The Fatal Similarities of Black Deaths by Makayla Spicer

C. Wright Mills states, “Perhaps the most fruitful distinction with which the sociological imagination works is between ‘the personal troubles of milieu’ and ‘the public issues of social structure.” (Mills 1959) This distinction is important in order to study to improve upon society. If many men are suffering the same troubles it becomes a public […]

Home is Where the Heart is

Being home during this pandemic has me thinking about what the word ‘home’ actually means. I haven’t been ‘home’ for longer than two weeks in almost three years. Now that I am back for an indeterminate amount of time, I feel out of place and long to return to my home at school. I have […]

The Coronavirus Does Discriminate

By Philip Bernstein The Effect on Wealthy NYC Neighborhoods Walking out of my house in Brooklyn during the coronavirus crisis brings a strange sight. Although the perception of New York City turning into a ghost town during this outbreak is true of many neighborhoods across the city, my neighborhood of Park Slope is reacting differently. […]

Luxury Lifestyles: Expensive Tastes and Elite Beauty Standards

Sheridan Road Magazine is a “luxury lifestyle magazine that delivers a colorful and passionate telling of neighboring events, fashion, beauty, finance, and the pursuit of leisure” (jwcdaily.com). It “offers engaging insight into the extraordinary people and lifestyles that make up Chicago’s most exclusive address — the North Shore” (jwcdaily.com). The magazine is named after the […]

Influential Women in STEM Against All Odds

This diagram shows seven women who changed the history of science with their incredible contributions, but who are often not recognized for them. The women on this diagram are restricted to the late 19th and 20th centuries, although the gender inequality has existed in STEM fields long before. Women are oppressed in these fields in many different ways, and I chose to highlight two of them: women face restrictions on their education and jobs, and they are not recognized for the same achievements their male colleagues are, especially historically by the Nobel committee.