The Difficult Road Immigrants Travel

People from all over the world immigrate to the U.S. to experience the American Dream, but when they arrive many face considerable challenges. Approximately 44.8 million immigrants live in the United States as of 2018 with 25% coming from Mexico, 6% from China, 6% from India, 4% from the Philippines, 3% from El Salvador, and […]

A Hidden Normal: Anti-Asian Discrimination

By Quincy Williams Anti-Asian discrimination is not a new issue or an isolated historical event, but rather a part of the American narrative. Stereotypes, whether negative or “positive,” like those depicting Asian Americans as a “model minority,” perpetuate fear or contempt toward the Asian American community. The timeline above, from the 1850s to the present […]

Boston and Ethnic Division: Helpful or Harmful?

Growing up just outside of Boston and visiting the city frequently, the various ethnic sectors were always apparent to me: Southie had the Irish, the North End housed the Italians, Chinatown was home to the Chinese. These communities provide a sense of belonging to certain ethnicities who say they can embrace their culture. However, they […]

Why Can’t We All Compete?

In 2004, transgender and intersex athletes were accepted into the Olympics— but not without public opposition and regulations. In 2015, The IOC (International Olympic Committee) and IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) set the following regulations for female Olympic athletes (Gleaves & Lehrbach 2016):  1. Legal documents of their female gender that cannot be changed […]